March Madness

Ella and I spent a lovely Sunday on an Afternoon Tea Thames River C ruise . It was such a relaxing way to spend an afternoon, I felt so fancy! Once seated, we were given the option of tea or coffee which was then constantly refilled throughout the duration of the cruise. We were then brought a lovely tower of sandwiches, cakes, and scones with jam and clotted cream. The food was delicious, the views were stunning, the company was lovely and the all round vibes were peaceful. For Camilo’s birthday we headed to Platform in Shoreditch. It was a great way to spend a few hours. We got some tasty pizza and played Mario Kart. It was really good wholesome fun but I couldn’t stop thinking ‘I could do this back at home at my house for free!’ After my friends headed out to a pub, but I headed home as I wasn’t feeling good. Have you ever been deathly ill from a stomach bug and then realized that you have head lice? Talk about a terrible day, I ended up being pretty sick for about 2 weeks fro...